Summary :

The Website Beta Test Mode is used in most professional website developments, it is a testing phase where website features are made available to users for testing and feedback before the final release of the website for general use.

Overview :

Beta Test Mode is an early release of the website to allow users keen to get the benefits from the website to do testing and report any problems found. These can then be fixed ready for the full release of the website.

PLEASE NOTE: During this phase of testing, some of the data entered by participants in Beta Testing could be fictitious and used just for the purposes of testing. The data will be requested to be deleted before the final release and therefore is only to be there for the Beta Testing phase. However, you are encouraged to react to the data by applying for jobs (if you are an employee) or creating jobs and searching out employees (if you are representing an Employer). 


1. Testing Phases:

  • “Alpha testing” has now been done internally by the development team, and most features are now up and running as anticipated for the initial release. 
  • The product is now generally stable but not final, and there may still be a few bugs or incomplete features and we welcome you to report back on this for our attention, using the Site Contact Form.


2. Feedback Collection:

  • As a Beta Tester, you are encouraged to provide feedback on your user experience (good or bad), as well reporting bugs or suggest improvements.
  • This feedback helps the developers to fix issues and optimise the product ready for the full release.


3. Limited Availability:

  • Access to the Beta Version is limited to a selected group of users, and you have been selected and given access. However, there is no obligation for you to actualy do the testing work. We only want you to do any testing because you are genuinely interested in the development of this website for supporting people's Careers In Glass.


4. New Features:

  • Users in Beta Mode who give good feedback may get early access to new or experimental features before official release later.
  • During this experimental testing phase, some features might be unstable or change significantly before the final version. Feedback from the Testers will enable the best possible experience when the features are released.


5. Potential Risks:

  • Beta products may have bugs, incomplete functionalities, or other issues that can affect the user experience. In rare cases, there could be an unwanted release of personal information that has been disclosed by the user to the site. If you have any super-sensitive information then it is best not to enter the data in the first place.
  • You are being made aware of these risks because you are showing interest in joining the beta program.


6. Opportunity for Improvement:

  • For website developers, Beta Mode is crucial in improving the product by addressing real-world issues that may not have been detected in earlier testing phases.
  • It allows the team to prepare the product for general availability with the highest possible level of confidence.